8,000. That's a pretty good number … for a North Korean nuclear test. Speaking of an entity that publishes a hagiography to each new leader, depends on an outside government's support to sustain its moribund economy, and focuses solely on self-preservation and keeping the peasants in line while espousing otherworldly, yet high-minded ideals, read about the AALS meeting here. Next step is to set up re-education camps and charge $50K tuition.

Not seasonally adjusted | December | 2014 | 1,124,200 | |
October | 2015 | 1,127,900 | ||
November | 2015 | 1,128,800 | ||
December | 2015 | 1,133,100 | 8,900 | |
Seasonally adjusted | December | 2014 | 1,120,000 | |
October | 2015 | 1,126,600 | ||
November | 2015 | 1,126,800 | ||
December | 2015 | 1,128,000 | 8,000 | |
Change from Nov-15 to Dec-15 | 1,200 |